Why Plato Group

Working with Plato Group or one of our brands enables your own brand identity to come to life across many human touch points. We ensure that your brand, product and service gets in to the right hands at the right time.

Who is Plato Group

What is your

We are ambitious as a company

We have created a truly customer-oriented culture. We are valued by our loyal customers for the smart, engaged and transparent way we do business and because we offer the widest choice, the best service and always deliver quality products, on time – every time. We are valued by our employees for offering a dynamic working environment, where good performance is being recognised and rewarded.

Read about Plato Group

You are ambitious to work at our company

Our employees are our biggest and most important asset and when you sign up for a career at Plato Group, we ensure that you’ll get the flexibility and freedom to grow.

Our transparent structure and entrepreneurial spirit flows throughout the whole group of brands and when you’re a part of our team, you’re part of something very special.

Working at Plato Group

Employees all over Europe
Locations all over Europe
Customers all over Europe

Focus on Sustainability

Social and environmental sustainability are a high priority for us.

We are taking several measures to improve our impact on the planet and on society: donating to charity, supporting and integrating people with a distance to the job market, shifting to sustainable products, etc. 

Full Service Solutions

Working with Plato Group or one of our brands enables your own brand identity to come to life across many human touch points.

We ensure that your brand, product and service gets in to the right hands at the right time.

About Plato Group